Wednesday, November 23, 2016

7 Most Common Work Station Mistakes

As well as sport related injuries, I see lots of work station related issues; mostly neck and headaches, but also low back, shoulder and elbow. The following are a list of work station mistakes that may be contributing to your injuries:

  1. key board and mouse position. If either of these are too far away, too high or too low, you will run into problems.  The biggest issue I encounter is if the mouse or keyboard are too far away. This most often can contribute to shoulder issues as the shoulder is forced to engage on a continuous basis (remember, it might not seem like much, but you are doing it for up to 8 hours!) Your elbows should be at your side and at 90 degrees when using both.
  2. screen position. If your screen is too low (or you are using a laptop) the tendency is to be looking down - again for 8 hours a day. The screen should be positioned so that when you close your eyes, move both your head and eyes around then find a natural position, you should be looking at the middle of the screen. Another marker is that the top of the screen should be approximately at eye level.
  3. using two screens. Using two screens for 8 hours a day probably means you are turning your head to one side for prolonged periods. This can lead to serious neck pain and headaches. Try using a split screen or moving your body each time you use the second screen.
  4. cradling a phone with your shoulder. Another no-no for the neck! A headset is a great neck saver for that reason.
  5. no work station. Do you work from home and use your laptop anywhere? On the couch? I am constantly saying that laptops keep me in business because people have terrible neck and back positions when they use them!! Set up a work station.. invest in a separate key board so you can fix the arm and head positions for at least part of your day.
  6. poor lumbar position. Lumbar support in a chair can help, but just becoming aware of your sitting posture will do more. A standing work station can also help
  7. sitting too long. Regardless of how perfect your workstation is, we are just not meant to stay in one position for prolonged periods. Set a timer to go off once an hour to get up and get a glass of water or do some stretches.
Also visit my previous post on how your work station could contribute to your sports injury!

If you have any enquiries regarding our services please visit our website for more information.

As always, thanks for reading! Rebecca

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