Here are the guidelines I often use (and these may be different for your health care professional, so make sure to ask!):
- Distinguish between the stretch or muscle fatigue sensations and a pain sensation. Stretch and muscular work are OK
- Don't let the exercise increase your pain by more than a 2/10. In some cases you may want NO increase in pain with the activity (for example nerve pain should be non-existent with an activity since nerves are so sensitive)
- Does the increase in pain last for more than 30 minutes after your rehabilitation exercises or activity? Or do you get a rebound effect where it feels the same or better initially, but your pain increases two hours or longer after an activity? If so, it was probably too much!
- Most importantly when you look at the big picture is your injury improving, static or worsening? If it is one of the latter two, it is time to revisit your exercises and activity program!
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