Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The 5 W's of Stretching

I am asked about stretching in the clinic at least once a week, so I thought a blog about stretching would be pertinent. Here are the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and even How of stretching:

Everyone! Whether prescribed by your physiotherapist for rehabilitation, as an injury prevention strategy or simply to delay the loss of range of motion associated with aging, everyone should stretch!!

Stretching can have two main goals. The first is to prepare for the upcoming activity (and to reduce injury in that activity). The second is to try to increase tissue length to maintain or restore the health of the muscle or joint in question.

The goal of the stretch will determine the type of stretching you do.
Pre-activity or preparative stretching will be dynamic in nature.
Static stretching (stretches which are held for 30s-1minute) are done with the goal of increasing tissue length.

Dynamic stretching should be done before activity. Static stretches pre-exercise not only have no affect on injury prevention but may actually diminish performance.
Static stretches can be done any time (other than pre-activity) but will be more effective when you body temperature is elevated - after exercise, light activity or even a hot-tub.


Dynamic stretches could include leg swings, dynamic trunk twists etc. Dynamic stretching should be progressive in intensity and be related to or mimic the upcoming activity.
Static stretches should be held for at least 30 seconds (or over a minute according to some studies) to effectively achieve gains in range of motion.

Pictures courtesy of google images